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Over 45 Years of Providing Packaging and Product Inspection Solutions



Joan and Jack Egan

JAECO, INC. was founded in 1969 by John A. (Jack) Egan, Jr. and his wife Joan.  Jack had been in the packaging business since 1954 when he was hired to work for Package Machinery Company of East Longmeadow, MA.  In 1957 he moved to Kansas City to open up a regional office for Package Machinery. When they wanted to move him to their Chicago office, Jack decided to stay in Kansas City and form his own company. He became a manufacturer’s representative and represented Package Machinery along with other packaging machinery companies.

In 1978, his son Tom joined him and we added additional machinery lines. By 1980, the company grew to include his son Mike and expanded into Eastern Missouri and Southern Illinois.  In 1981 we started representing Metramatic checkweighers which was later purchased by Metter-Toledo and merged to make the present Hi-Speed checkweighers.  In 1989 we started representing Safeline metal detectors which was formed by former members of Lock metal detection.  Safeline ended up growing to be the largest metal detection company in the world and is now owned by Mettler-Toledo.  In the early 1990's Package Machinery was purchased by a larger company which discontinued most of their machines, so in 1995 we started representing Triangle Package Machinery which makes baggers, scales, and cartoning machines.  Later that year we also started to represent Schneider Packaging, makers of case packers and palletizing systems.

 Jack passed away in March of 2001 and the company is now owned by Mike and Tom.



                                     Tom with Jennie and children Thomas and Kerry                                              Mike with Julie and children Brian and Sean                                                


We have divided our territory responsibilities as follows: Our Representatives